Your Subscription Has Been Cancelled

“You do not have to do anything further to complete your subscription cancellation. 

The last day of your subscription will be 11/20/2013. Use your last 8 days to contact any new members on You never know when you’re going to find the one!”

You’re right, online dating, you never do know when you’re going to find “the one,” which is why is seems REALLY peculiar that they have like a six month guarantee that people WILL find the right person…

I may have cancelled my online dating profile, but this challenge isn’t over just yet.  By my calculations, the dating challenge ends today, actually, which seems fitting as I’ve got kind of an important date tonight.  More on that later!

Sunday night I had my final online dating-date.  I was mildly nervous going into it, but not really sure what to expect.  The facts are these:  I was meeting up with a new guy, The Librarian (this name is self-explanatory, right?  He’s a librarian), for beers and some low-key, getting-to-know-you type conversation.  We were meeting at a bar I’d never been to, which was listed on Yelp as a “loud” type of place.  This doesn’t always bode well, but sometimes Yelp is wrong about volume levels.  Sadly in this instance, Yelp was not wrong about that.

A little back story real quick:  This was a guy I messaged because he looked at my profile a number of times, and he seemed really interesting!  His profile mentioned that he liked to read the paper (old-fashioned!) and he seemed friendly and normal!  I didn’t know if he would ever make the first move to send me a message, so I just kind of went for it.  We had a couple of sporadic messages here and there (he told me he had cancelled his newspaper subscription a few months ago, sadface), and then he asked if I wanted to meet for a drink.  Aaand now you’re up to speed.

I got there a bit early and we’d planned to meet outside so I kind of wandered around a bit as tehre was a man harassing passers-by for cigarettes and change.  He disappeared and I went back to the bar front to check out the menu as I hadn’t really eaten and figured we would probably snack on something while we chatted (NOTE: We did not).  I was playing around on my phone when a cab pulled up and he slid out, unenthusiastically.  That pretty much set the theme for the rest of the evening.  Nothing really happened.  There was a lot of drinking and looking around awkwardly.  I kept asking questions, to try to pepper some sort of conversation…but nothing really stuck.  It’s not an interview, it’s a conversation.  There are only so many questions that I can ask to keep things going until I trickle out of ideas and start asking what super power you’d want if you were a superhero (to be fair, his answer was really awesome, actually…ice power to make really cool entrances…and freeze things.).

Luckily (though it was incredibly uncomfortable to get this news), he called a cab while I was in the bathroom, and we finished our beers promptly (by his general request) and parted ways.  I went home and watched more episodes of Daria, which seemed fitting.

You’re standing on my neck…
The next day I deleted my profile, though technically it needs to stay up for the next seven days, which is annoying, and will be removed on the 20th of November.  I don’t understand or appreciate this, but maybe it isn’t view-able to people?  I don’t know.

When cancelling your online dating profile on, they ask for 1000 character or less feedback.  Now please understand that I totally understand that online dating can work for some people.  I know a few people who have met their current boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse via dating websites, but this experience has definitely taught me that my quest is likely not best suited for the online scene.  Below, the “wisdom” I imparted on the poor person who has to sift through the responses to said feedback:

“Finding love isn’t easy. There’s too much involved in ensuring that people don’t settle, feel the right spark, have a great connection, and really care about each other. If you want to settle for someone, then sure, this type of stuff could work. And occasionally, yes, matches are made from online dating. But love isn’t just found online like sturdy pots and pans. At least, that’s how I’m feeling. I’d rather be alone than settle for a guy I met online who is a whatever% match due to some sort of algorithm. I work with algorithms. I don’t want to love in algorithms. This type of stuff can work I guess, if the love you’re looking for happens to be on here too, but guaranteeing people will find love on your site is just not a good gimmick. It creates a culture of “Hey, I’m a nice guy!” guys, and women who, like me, feel like they’re at some weird Chinese buffet of men with Seinfeldian issues. I’d prefer not to find love like this, is what I’ve learned.”

I’m not really sure why I keep trying online dating (over the years, in general, not just with this challenge) when it makes me feel so uncomfortable in the end.  I don’t particularly like going on dates with people I haven’t been able to observe in some sort of a real life situation, either in person or via social media.  I don’t do well with attempting romantic relationships with people that I don’t know as friends, and I don’t really dig kissing strangers.  This challenge definitely solidified my need to really know someone before even considering how I would like to be with that person…and if I would.  I guess I did learn something, aside from the fact that I’m not so horrible at dating: friendship is more important to be as a basis of a good, strong relationship, and maybe I should take more chances and actually date people I already do like.

My final date within the constraints of this challenge is the perfect end, then, to…this challenge…so…TO BE CONTINUED, MOTHER BITCHES!

NEW CHALLENGE: I’m not a Playa I just crush a lot…

Well, if there’s one thing I’ve been putting off like crazy this year, it’s dating. I suck at dating. It should be mentioned that I also suck at regular non-dating conversations with other humans. I’m awkward as fuck. Sometimes it works for me and comes off as cute and charming. Most times it comes off as bitchy and uncomfortable. I have what is called “Resting Bitch Face,” which makes me 95% unapproachable to most people. I’ve been trying to work on it here and there, but sometimes I forget and it doesn’t occur to me until I finally notice the pain in my jaw from subconscious teeth-clenching.

I spent most of my formative hormonal years having crushes on every boy. It was pretty bad, especially since none of them liked me back. I have never been the pretty one that guys get all stupid around and smitten with, and I really can’t complain since I have never done anything to make myself desirable to the opposite sex. I can’t really be bothered and I’m generally not the best at being a girl in the “doing my hair/dressing appealing to other people on purpose/looking like I read and pay attention to ‘helpful’ articles in Cosmo” kind of way. But again…that’s just me: The short haired, cursing, tattooed, grown up version of Daria or Jane Lane. It’s kinda tough to find guys who are into that…or so I assume? When I actually do find a guy I like, I become aloof and (adorably!?) hostile: I purposely avoid them, say next-to-nothing to them, or exercise “Active Bitch Face,” which in my mind gives me a “damn, she’s so tough like Joan Jett!” exterior but usually just pushes dudes away. Success D:

There’s also my own personal baggage of not wanting to get completely eviscerated the way I did when my last serious relationship ended…twice. Then, I dated someone last year for about two months and was just the worst to him because I didn’t want to be vulnerable. To be fair, it wasn’t the best pairing to begin with, but I flat out refused to let him know much of anything about me…except that I was clearly a horrible bitch.

And I was, because I was going through the destruction and separation of my family and still dealing with old painful relationship nonsense that I let myself get stuck in. Depression and silence were my besties and I wasn’t about to let some dude who just wanted to care about me, into my heart. It was horrible, and I felt like a schmuck because more than anything, I want to be loved and snuggled and happy with another human being, but I give off a huge “GO AWAY” vibe. Because I’m so tough -n- shit.

Again I’ll state: I suck at dating. How I have ever found myself in a relationship, I still don’t understand. Alcohol-induced moxie, probably? Then once I snag ’em, I cook for ’em, and I’m a pretty great cook so…they stick around for a bit? (partially non-sarcastic note: I do have a buncha good qualities. Somewhere.)

Shortly after the two-month fling fizzled, I met up with my friend Erin for drinks and a show. She’s one of the most hilarious and awesome people I know. SHE can talk to anyone. For hours. No doubt. But she suggested starting an online profile and blogging about the dating adventures. It seemed like a fun idea at the time, and being that I was (and still kinda am) in the habit of filling every waking hour with something to do so that I didn’t drive myself crazy thinking about things I couldn’t change, like the family sitch and the acceptance that my “one true love” wasn’t, I set it on the back burner for a while. I knew I’d get to it some day.

That day happens to be October 13th, 2013. I have created a profile. I have forked over the $36.99 or whatever for a seven-day free trial + 1 Month membership. This will either go super great and I’ll meet some nice dudes with whom I may have pretty ok chemistry, or I’m going to end up on a lot of expensive, OKCupid-esque dates with more dudes who want to mock me for being a Feminist. That guy still makes me so mad. Ugh. Such a jerk. “I thought you put that on your profile as a joke, because you said you were a comedian. Why would anyone want to be a Feminist?”

Ohhhh you silver tongued devil. I bet you get all the ladies.

Regardless of what happens, get ready to know about it…I’ll give you the skinny on my first impressions, all the awkward email exchanges, how things go when we do actually go on a date, and what the next move is. I won’t use real names or be like, creepily specific. This will be fun. Or just funny. Or incredibly sad and will solidify my current “I’m going to die alone but I am actually ok with it, you guys…where are my kitties?” – outlook on companionship.

The pistol is aimed and we are all at the ready. On your mark….get set….date me*?

*You guys I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore.