New Challenge! Run Away, Little Girl.

I am really excited about my next challenge for so many reasons, but mostly because it’s actually going to be a long-term challenge and not just a 30-day (though I’ll likely only blog about it “heavily” for 30 days). This is one with a targeted goal for next year, so I’m going to get started on it now. It is time to start training for running a TON of races. That’s right: there is a runner living inside of this awkward, chubby girl.

In the beginning of November, I (mostly) jogged through my first 5K, the Carrera de los Muretos, which is an amazingly awesome event. Also, probably the most encouraging and perfect first 5K for the inexperienced runner (Bands and music at many corners! Cheering spectators! Lovely Pilsen street art!). I had this huge plan to train for this race, as I initially signed up for it in August. As it happened, I got insanely busy with everything ever and then suddenly it was November and I was freaking out because it’s been a while since I’ve attempted to jog or run 1 mile, let alone 3.1. I was pretty sure I was dead in the water.

Luckily, I registered for this race with my friend Melanie and her fiance Sean who are the most incredible motivators and most supportive, amazing people. Melanie let me set our pace which was incredibly helpful. Before I knew it, we were just flying through the damn thing…though it certainly was tough towards the end. Without training, my time was 42:16 (I jogged about 2.5 miles of it, but it was certainly at a glacial pace). I’m pretty happy with that! But I’m going to beat that time next year by leaps and bounds.

Finishing that 5K, though it may seem minor to some people, was such a huge accomplishment for me. I used to be involved in sports, though I was never really good at any of them. I became very sedentary in college-to-adult years. If anyone in my family was going to run a 5K, it certainly was not going to be the pizza-loving, hard drinking, former smoker that is me.

Hey but guess what, it was, suckahs! And it left me feeling incredible, so now it’s time to train for more! I want to do this smart, and I want to do this so I don’t injure myself. It’s taken the past month to get on track due to a minor set back: I was weirdly sick, and I couldn’t figure out what was going on.

I assumed I had food poisoning or a stomach bug, but when nothing changed after a week, I adjusted my diet and went hardcore vegan/mostly raw foods. That helped a little bit, but not enough to feel normal. After incredible pains and weirdness, I finally made a doctor’s appointment because WebMD kept telling me it was cancer and I freaked myself out enough to realize I couldn’t live like that (with the pains and the doubt and the what nots). It turns out I have the sexiest illness of all time and, to be on the safe side, my doctor suggestion going gluten free until I see a GI doc as well.

With all of this, I am now feeling a billion times better (though I really miss apples, guys). I did have to go back to being not a vegan because I can’t process most vegan proteins right now, but it’s going to be fine. It’s just tricky at the moment. However, now I can jog without feeling like I ingested 12 water balloons…or fearing I might poop myself (I’m still single, fellas! Meee-oooow!).

Originally, I was going to just run outside, as you do, but well…It’s 11 degrees outside today. Yeah, Chicago weather! So there’s no way in hell I’m doing that. I’m not a big fan of running on treadmills (but I will!) and I’m super awkward about gyms (Don’t look at me! OMG locker room butts! Am I stretching in the right place?! WHAT IS THAT MACHINE?!?), even though I’ve had gym memberships here and there for the past several years, but I’ve joined a gym just this morning. I even got a little work out in to test a few machines and what not. I like it a lot. Oh, and I got one of those fancy watches that keeps track of your active times/calories burnt/etc. I’M DOING IT.

Another amazing part about this is this isn’t about weight loss, though obviously that will be a nice perk, which will also come from not being about to eat foods with a high FODMAP which, as you may notice, includes almost everything that is the best foods. To be fair, the Low FODMAP Foods have some aces stuff in there (PUMPKIIIIIINS!!!!), which is helpful. However, APPLES. I used to eat an apple every morning. It’s tough. But, to get back on track (GET IT? RUNNING PUNS!), this is about running a 7K in March, and running a half marathon in September, with 5Ks sprinkled in between. This is about feeling better, both mentally and physically. This is about defying my expectations for what my body can accomplish, because my mind has accomplished so much this year that it’s now time to give something else a chance.

This is going to be the best.

2 thoughts on “New Challenge! Run Away, Little Girl.

  1. Jessica! we’re doing the same challenge again! haha! crazy! Though I don’t know if I’ll go all the way to half marathon. The first 5k I did at Halloween I walked most of it. Then I decided to train to run it! or jog rather. My next one is coming up tomorrow morning. I’ve been doing the Couch to 5k running plan and it’s really starting to kick my ass. I am SUPER impressed that you were able to jog 2.5 miles without training! My last jog (yesterday) was the first time I jogged (super slow) 2.25 miles without stopping. I thought I was going to die. But hey, 7 weeks ago I couldn’t jog 90 seconds straight without wanting to die! Progress! I am not, nor have I ever been a runner. I don’t think I’m in bad physical shape, but I’ve been more into walking/hiking or yoga, haven’t played sports since middle school. I had a lot of physically demanding jobs in my 20’s but that doesn’t necessarily make you an athlete. What I’m liking about running is the metal fortitude it demands. I generally dislike running but I’m always proud of myself for doing it once I’m done. I’m hoping to apply the mental strength I’m cultivating with running to my career. I need to prove to myself that I can do this thing that I never thought I could do (I’ve never jogged even one mile in my life) so that I can also prove to myself that my mind can focus and accomplish great things too. I’m not comparing myself to marathon runners, only to what I did yesterday. So I find that I should apply that to my career aspirations as well. Build your strength little by little and soon enough you can look back and be proud of how far you’ve come. Keep it up Jessica! Hooray for challenges! You’re gonna rock this one for sure!

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